Embark on an epic journey with Genshin Impact, a free-to-play, anime-style open-world game featuring a dynamic, action-based combat system that incorporates elemental magic and character-switching. Benefit from regular updates that expand the game, as it follows a games-as-a-service model, and revel in the excitement of obtaining unique characters and weapons through captivating gachapon-style mechanics.
1. Enter your User ID and Server
2. Select your payment method
3. Click buy now to make the payment
5. The genshin crystals will be instantly delivered to your account shortly.
TSeize the chance to elevate your Genshin Impact experience with the enticing Blessing of Welkin Moon package. Upon purchase, instantly acquire 300 Genesis Crystals and extend the Blessing for 30 days. During this time, collect 90 Primogems daily just by logging in. Secure your Genshin Impact top-up now for swift and reliable delivery! *Please note that the Blessing of Welkin Moon has a maximum duration of 180 days. Exceeding this limit may result in the conversion of the surplus into Primogems.